The study shows minimal hyperintensity T2/FLAIR change at bilateral periventricular white matter.
The remaining brain parenchyma appears normal.
No focal mass, acute or definite infarction, intracranial hemorrhage, hydrocephalus or brain herniation. The pars compacta thickness is within normal limits.
There is no definite atrophic change at hippocampus or abnormal dilatation of the temporal horn lateral ventricle.
The brainstem and the cerebellum are unremarkable. The calvarium and skull base have normal marrow signal intensity.
The paranasal sinuses and mastoid air-cells are unremarkable.
- Minimal white matter hyperintensity T2W foci could be non-specific aging change or mild small vessel disease, not compatible with vascular dementia
- No evidence of Alzheimer’s disease or hydrocephalus