FINDINGS: Resltime ultrasonography reveals normal size, smooth surface, and homogenously piarenchymal echogenicity of the liver without definite space taking lesion. The biliary system is not dilated. Gallbladder has smooth thin wall without stone or pericholecystic fluid. Portal vein is patent. Visualized part of pancreas and spleen are unremarkable. Both kidneys are normal in size, shape, axis, and parenchymal echogenicity without evidence of hydronephrosis, stone, mass, or perinephric collection. Urinary bladder has smooth thin wall without stone or mass. Uterus and both ovaries are unremarkable, Few bilateral ovarian cysts are seen, size 1.7-1.9 cm, favor functional cysts No gross ascites, obsvious intraabdominal mass, or significant paraaortic lymphadenopathy is noted
IMPRESSION No detectable abnormality in this study